(+84)988577499 adamo@skymedia.vn

Career Guide and Job Introduction for Vietnamese Youth (2018-2023) is a project aiming to hign school and secondary school students. As the target customers are all in young age, inforaphic and motion graphic are excellent means of communication. These products are communicated online, shown at events and infographic products are printed and distributed at the school events thoughout Vietnam.

Adamo Studio is chosen to be the only motion graphic and inforaphic producer the the project.

Xem showreel các motion graphic Adamo đã thực hiện cho đề án trong năm 2018

In the past few years, the Youth Union and Urban Youth Union has cooperated with Adamo Studio to carry out career and employment communication products. In which the product infographics, motion graphics has received the attention, sharing and appreciation of all levels of Union, union members and adults. In the coming years, we will continue to coordinate with Adamo Studio to develop communication products associated with propaganda on social networks, Youtube channels … in accordance with youth psychology and needs. 

Mr Le Thanh Tu, Member of the Central Committee’s Executive Committee, Deputy Head of Youth Union of Urban Workers and Youth Union.

Project summary 

Customer: Youth Union of Urban Workers and Youth Union

Numbers of product : 10 (under 2 minutes each)

Execution time: 2 months

Style: 2D flat motion graphic, infographic

Kind: education, propaganda

Lets see some scene from the motion graphics

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